In the frame of the activities of the RIESCA Project (Proyecto de formación aplicada a los Escenarios de Riesgo con la vigilancia y monitoreo de los fenómenos volcánicos, sismicos e hidrogeologicos en América Central) we built up a prototypal archive of macroseismic data points for the Central America countries involved in the project, namely, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua (GEHN).

The archive is the first transnational collection of Macroseismic Data Points (MDP), established for mapping the effects of some damaging events, and form discovering the seismic history of several Central America sites.

This version (Release 1.6, lastly modified on september 2020) contains: 1) a reference earthquakes list derived from previously published catalogues; 2) aproximatively 2030 macroseismic observations of 63 selected events; 3) the seismic histories of about 1084 localities. Data search and download capabilities are provided too. Further information are available in a pdf description file.
